Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More on fund raising!

Simple Pendants you can incorporate into a necklace or add on a keychain! 

You will need: Mod Podge and a clear sealer of some form.
Wood squares (got mine at Michael's)
Different kinds of paper
Paint brush

Here's how:
  1. Cut out your shapes. I traced around a printout of Africa but you could just print out a bunch and use them. 
  2. Spread a fairly good layer of Mod Podge on your wood square and place the first layer of paper.
  3. Mod Podge over that layer and place the Africa.
  4. Mod Podge over that and place the heart.
  5. Let it dry and then spray the sealer over it so it has a shiny coat.
  6. You then have to hot glue the "Bail" (the thing that makes it a pendant) to the back.
  7. I sprayed a coat of sealer over the back as well just as an extra. 
Now, I have read a couple of DIY's on these and just sort of made it my own. You could sand down the edges before praying it with the sealer for a smoother look. I like mine as quick and simple as possible!

Good luck! If you have used something different comment on it below so others can try it too!

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Thanks for commenting! I will check it and post it soon!