"Christianity is not about building an absolutely secure little niche in the world. Where you can live with your perfect little wife, and your perfect little children, and your perfect little house where you have no gay or minority groups anywhere near you. Christianity is about learning to love like Jesus and Jesus loved the poor and Jesus loved the broken." -Rich Mullins
Often times when I am feeling philosophical I will listen to recordings of Rich Mullins concerts. That little nugget of a quote up there is why. How often do we try and secure ourselves from all the sin in the world? When what we need to do is expose ourselves to the sin and LOVE those who we find. If Christians could just love people who are hurting and healing alike, the world would be so much healthier spiritually. Why do we not love?
My opinion is that there are a couple reasons why some Christians find love hard or even find hate easier. Some people get jealous of sinners (I think the Bible has something to say about jealousy). We do though. We see them in their lifestyles and wish we could be there with them, often times our hate is born out of sheer regret for falling into the sins we are jealous of. I also think it can be born out of a legalistic stick in the mud mentality. Constantly watching others, waiting for them to screw up their lives for a split second and then we attack. Like little vultures sitting atop our steeples waiting for some little child to step on a crack. Those are the two things that I see the most. Don't lie, we all have been guilty of being legalistic vultures or jealous sin haters.
"Ok", you say, "then how am I supposed to know if people are REAL Christians?" Guess what? NOT YOUR JOB TO KNOW. I know, it sucks to not have control over other people... But it isn't your job to judge (pretty sure the Bible has something to say about that too). So then, how are we going to just stop, it's a habit! Well, Jesus loves your vulture attitude and he loves you even though you hate. So I would think the first step to repairing that relationship would be to start focusing your energies on how you can be more like Him. Loving people even though they are idiots and screw up constantly. Loving the unlovely, unloving, and unlovable. L-O-V-E.
It's awful easy to love the faces on the adoption brochures, but what about when our child comes home and they tell us for the time "You're not my real mom/dad!". Through our heartbreak (our hearts should be breaking for the lost too ya know) we have to love that child. When we lose our hope in getting the finances to adopt, the love for the child God has for us will pull us through. When you lose hope that you will ever do anything right, the love you have for God should help pull you through.
Ok, I think I am done ranting. I usually just write these things in my journal (which is why I have one Howie) but decided with all the "Christians hate gays" talk going around that I would share with the world. Have fun reading that, I am horrible with punctuation! lol!