Monday, August 20, 2012

Cash vs. Card

We have been praying about ways we ourselves can save more and spend less for this adoption. We have decided to step out on faith and start a cash only form of budgeting. No more credit cards (except for getting a card that gives us Frequent Flyer Miles, a post to be written later) for everyday purchases, they will be saved for big things like bills and payed off immediately. We plan on saving all the coins we get for change for the adoption. So here is the reason I am posting about this:

  1. We need accountability! We are going to have a debit card "icing" party! We would like everyone who can come to this to be here! I'll send out invites soon.
  2. We want to challenge you to do the same (if you don't already). Even if it is just choosing one thing you usually pay for with a card and paying cash instead. Save that change and donate it to a good cause (like our adoption). 
  3. We seriously want everyone to know how our journey takes place fully! This process is a lifestyle change and we want everyone to know how we are approaching it. Hopefully, out of this journey, you will be inspired to adopt. Domestically, internationally, the kids are all in need of home with a warm bed and good food! 
So, I ask you to pray for us (or send good vibes whatever you chose) on this journey! If you are interested in partnering with us we are going to buy the giant baby bottle coin banks for you to keep your change in! So let me know if you want one! We are also going to be starting a "Fill The Bottle" campaign SOON! "Fill The Bottle" is where we buy those super cheap bottles in bulk and hand them out to people. You fill them and then return them! So if you are interested in that, let me know!

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