Thursday, November 22, 2012


Howie and I were talking about things we are thankful for and I thought of something a little odd I am thankful for... Today, November 22, 2012 I am thankful for infertility. It has given me the opportunity to help heal a little heart that is breaking, it's given me the ability to encourage other women and couples in my situation, and it's given me hope for things that have seemed hopeless.

When you have been given hope you see hope in everything. I am so optimistic about our future I am just bursting with happiness! Some may say it's a "glow". But whatever it is the best part is I know God has it all in His hands. That right there is comforting. I am thankful he has given me and Howie our difficulties. We had become complacent and now we are ready to take life by the horns!

My words of wisdom to all you who are experiencing some form of infertility are: never let yourself hate the infertility, embrace it, it's who you are. God made you for a purpose, move forward in whatever way you feel you need to! Maybe you are meant to be foster parents to impact a young life that may go unnoticed/forgotten, possibly you are to go through fertility treatments or IVF to show the love of God to a doctor or nurse, maybe you are meant to do a domestic adoption that's open to impact your birth mom's life for Christ, maybe you are meant to adopt internationally, maybe you are meant to adopt older waiting children, or maybe you are meant to help others adopt. We were meant to be doing an Ethiopian adoption. We are so excited to finish out this journey and start many more! So pray about it! God will show you, sometimes it is more difficult to tell but BE OPEN! You never know what he may throw your way!

Thanks for reading our blog. It's been a great way for me to get my feelings and worries down in words. I hope in some way I have encouraged you or given you the urge to advocate for the orphan in this world. That's why I am here, to advocate for the fatherless, to try and tell every single orphan there is a hope for a future! Thank you for being awesome!

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