Saturday, January 26, 2013


So we have been researching all the different ways to get extra money for our adoption and the one thing people keep saying is "sell your plasma"! So, I think we will be doing that (or at least try it out). So when our son is older and asks us how we afforded to adopt him I can tell him "well son, we sold blood for you"... Maybe we won't tell him that... :) So, what's your opinion on selling Plasma for our adoption?

I leave you with a BEAUTIFUL Ohio January sunrise outside our backdoor this week :)

"Morning by morning new mercies I see"


  1. I'd sell some for you, but they won't take mine because of my meds. There are shady people hanging around the plasma center, but you'll be fine.

  2. Howie is going to come with me. It'll be an interesting experience to say the least.


Thanks for commenting! I will check it and post it soon!