We are having another garage sale!!! We need to make some serious dents in our fee coming due October 16th. Our goal for this sale is $1,000. Trusting in God and knowing he has the money for us is our only option at this point. So again, we pick up the shovel and are digging our way through this mountain that is in our way. God is taking care of moving the big boulders for us.
Everytime I get discouraged I remember being in Jamaica in 2004. We were digging the foundation for a school building and there was this rock in my way. I say rock, I really mean huge glacier (I wish it was a glacier, it was HOT and DRY). I chipped away at that thing for three days straight. I broke one pick axe and just about speared my foot with it's replacement. The replacement was a axe head on a tree branch, yes a tree branch... Anyway, one day when I was convinced my section of foundation would never be clear I hit the magic spot and it just crumbled beneath my axe. God knew I needed something to hope for and he showed his power by turning my problem into dust. We have hope that he will turn this mountain into dust if we try hard enough to break it up. (Well figuratively, if he turned the money into dust we would have a problem...)
So continue to pray with us that this mountain looses some significant size in the next 20 days (how long we have before our due date). We have the faith that it will happen and need your support as well! All of you who have given us encouragement and support, we thank you from a depth of our hearts that we have never thanked anyone before! You all are a special blend of love and our child will be the most loved little boy in Ohio I am sure of it! (*tears streaming down my face as I type that because I know it's true!*)
If you want to donate the paypal link is at the top left of our page. If you are praying for us leave us a note of encouragement please! We could use all we can get! THANK YOU!!!
Everytime I get discouraged I remember being in Jamaica in 2004. We were digging the foundation for a school building and there was this rock in my way. I say rock, I really mean huge glacier (I wish it was a glacier, it was HOT and DRY). I chipped away at that thing for three days straight. I broke one pick axe and just about speared my foot with it's replacement. The replacement was a axe head on a tree branch, yes a tree branch... Anyway, one day when I was convinced my section of foundation would never be clear I hit the magic spot and it just crumbled beneath my axe. God knew I needed something to hope for and he showed his power by turning my problem into dust. We have hope that he will turn this mountain into dust if we try hard enough to break it up. (Well figuratively, if he turned the money into dust we would have a problem...)
So continue to pray with us that this mountain looses some significant size in the next 20 days (how long we have before our due date). We have the faith that it will happen and need your support as well! All of you who have given us encouragement and support, we thank you from a depth of our hearts that we have never thanked anyone before! You all are a special blend of love and our child will be the most loved little boy in Ohio I am sure of it! (*tears streaming down my face as I type that because I know it's true!*)
If you want to donate the paypal link is at the top left of our page. If you are praying for us leave us a note of encouragement please! We could use all we can get! THANK YOU!!!