Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rejoice with those who rejoice

Most women who experience fertility problems know what I am talking about when I say pregnant women suck. It is hard to not feel anger towards them, even though it is not their fault you are where you are. I was reading my Bible today when I cam across this tidbit:

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." 
Romans 12:15

Mourning with those who mourn is an easy task, give them a shoulder to cry on, a tissue for their tears (or snot) and love them back to rejoicing. But the first part is tricky. That's right. Rejoice with those who rejoice. How am I supposed to rejoice with an unmarried woman who gets pregnant accidentally when I've been trying for years? How am I supposed to rejoice when the 16 year old down the street has twins? How am I supposed to rejoice when my friend who also experienced infertility finds out she's pregnant? Well, the only way I have found to get myself through this is to know that when I rejoice with these women now, I will be rejoicing with that much more vigor and that many more people when we are finally on our final trip to Ethiopia. Is it hard? Heck yes it is hard! I have found it getting easier but deep down there is still a squeamish feeling in my tummy when I see a young teen who is pregnant, or find out a friend of mine is. 

How do I get through the jealousy part? For me, I have been praying the minute I feel a jealous twinge that God help me through that rough patch. It is really hard to not be jealous when I see pictures of friends holding their newborns or visit them at the hospital. It's tempting to cut myself off from them completely. But not acting on that jealousy and just choosing to rejoice with them makes me a better person! 

So I encourage you to start rejoicing with these women! To love them and their precious gifts knowing someday somehow you will receive blessings ten times over because you obeyed and rejoiced!

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