I have been running this post through my mind over and over trying to figure out how I would write it. The subject is a little odd, I haven't seen too many blogs where adoptive parents from ET have breastfed (or at least that they wanted to talk about publicly). But, I am one that when I do something unique I shout it off the rooftops. I strive to instill courage in all my introvert brethren, at least that's what I tell myself. So here it is: we are going to give it a good try to breast feed our adopted child. (if our agency and social worker are kosher with it)
What the la leche league has to say about it!
I am going to just give you how we broke it down.
Pros: Promotes attachment/bonding, it's practically free of cost once you have a pump and storage system, it is what I would do for a biological child, it's best for the baby nutrition wise, and it's something that has been done for pretty well all of history (ever heard of a wet nurse?).
As you can see the majority of the cons stem from how others view us. Obviously, we can't let that out weigh the pros that it is really what is best for the baby. The con about the stress of adding one more thing to change is a different story. We are going to do our best to tackle that when it comes. By taking things slow, doing it in the process that is recommended by either a doctor or a lactation expert.
Of course this is a huge under taking (as it is when breast feeding a biological baby) but I am willing to work at it and Howie is along for the ride and being very supportive. So be praying for us, that we are making the right choice for our family. I'll post more about this when we get farther into the process!
Your baby, your decision. Do what works for your family, and we'll pray. Love you!
Mom who is working at keeping unsolicited advice from leaking out her mouth!
I say that if soneone has a "moral" issue with it needs to check them selfs. The only reason they would have a problem with it is the same reason they would already have an issue with you haveing a baby with different skin then you do, so they dont count! Stand up for what you believe is right dor you and your family, to heck with anyone else!