Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why Are You Fund Raising?

I get asked this question way more than I imagined I would. So I am going to answer it here for all of you who are wondering but aren't bold enough to ask it (thank you by the way).

First, to understand why we are fund raising you have to understand why we are adopting. We could easily go through fertility treatments and create a test tube mini version of us. The cost in total would be around $30,000 since we both need procedures done. So what do we do? Do we take out a loan and go through with that? We did a TON of research and we found out that there are over 143 MILLION orphans in the world waiting for a home and a family. So why would we spend thousands of dollars to create a test tube child when we could give a home to an orphan who desperately needs one? So that is why we are adopting. Rather than go through procedures and tests to create a child we want to give a child a home who is already on this Earth and needs a loving family.

Ok now I can explain why we fund raise.

The finances of it all: Basically the deal is no one has 20-30k just sitting around waiting to be spent. Especially not in this economic climate. We have been blessed enough to have family who has prepared  financially to leave us money, the majority of this money will be set aside for our children's college funds/our retirement etc. We also have pulled 1/3 of our adoption fees from this money. We've cut back spending and starting saving smarter. All in all it still doesn't add up to $30,000! There are grants to get and interest free adoption loans so those are all options. But we still won't have the $30,000.

The community of it: It's been said it takes a village to raise a child. I have been using the phrase it takes a community to bring home an orphan. This is too true. Nothing brings people together like trying to bring home a child. It really builds an awareness of adoption and what it REALLY is to all involved. Through all this it brings more people to the decision that they too can adopt.

The Christianity of it: We are Christians and we believe God has lead us to this adoption because he has our children all planned out. He works up stream and he knows who are children are (and where they are). Part of our responsibility as Christians is to care for orphans and widows in their distress. Most Christians are oblivious to the orphan issue in the world because it is not in their backyard. By seeing us work towards bringing our child home they too may be called to adopt and how amazing would that be!

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

The short answer I usually give is: "If everyone in the world thought someone else can afford to adopt but I can't" then we would have millions of orphans... Oh wait, we do. Not everyone is called to adopt, those not called to adopt can support those of us who are!"

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